
Feeling Unworthy Of God's Love

Emma talks about how she has been feeling trash, and unworthy of God's infinite love throughout the past few weeks. Then Christian gives some great advice and explains how we God does not care how unworthy we are He loves us anyway.

Dealing with Suffering In Our Daily Lives

This week Christian shares his experience of living with an anxiety disorder and having to deal with that constant pain in his life. He shares how he is able to make it through the day and continue on with life.

My dad died alone, a drug addict on a doorstep

Emma has not had the best father in her life. She explains how it took a tragic death to finally forgive. As well as the pain of regret, and the hurt that it causes. 

Self-worth and Caring How We Look

Emma and Christian discuss what it means to be worth something. How we are supposed to not care about the way our body looks, but how our soul looks to God. We examine what it means to have inner beauty, and what that does to us as a person.

Racism is Awful

This week we talk about all the racial injustice going on around our country. Emma tells her story and experience at the protest and riot in Sacramento. Christian tells his story about his younger brother, and how his friends were racist towards him.

A Story of Sexual Abuse

At the age of 17, Emma was sexually abused by her 30 year old boss. It left permanent damage. This is her story.